Hayden Cornwell

Product Management | Data Analytics | Engineering Consultant


About Me

Through education, research, and work experience I have been exposed to engineering and product challenges in industries spanning industrial ( aerospace, automotive, materials, additive manufacturing, biomedical, semiconductor) and tech (leagal technology and financial technology). My interest in technology commercialization has led me to multiple early stage companies as a product manager. I hope to contribute to innovatation accross a wide range of industries with recent experience and education in maching learning and data science.

Outside of work I like to golf, play pick-up basketball, brew beer, and work on side projects.


Graph Convolution Network for FEA

Academic Journal Trends

sEMG Signal Classification

CO2 Shipping Optimization

D3 Visualizations

FEA Convergence Diagnostic

Red Bull Flugtag


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LitLingo Technologies

Director of Product - -

Led product team building AI powered compliance software platform LitLingo

  • Led web platform redesign to optimize for communication analytics and review processes
  • Increased user efficiency by 90% and Expanded "prevention" coverage by 50% (key ROI factors)
  • Managed customer feedback sessions with a 550% increase in ARR
NLP Amplitude Figma
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HKC Solutions

Founder - -

Founded engineering consulting company focused on advanced FEA analysis

  • Performed static and dynamic structural analysis on complex load cases
  • Advised FEA projects for companies without dedicated analysis engineers
NLP Amplitude Figma
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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Technical Product Manager - -

Technical Product Manager of Simcenter 3D Materials Engineering in the simultation and testing group

  • Develop go-to-market strategies for new applications of materials engineering software
  • Support technical sales and internal engineering benchmarks
  • Create industrial workflows and minimum viable product prototypes for targeted campaigns
Jira Simcenter 3D HEEDS Star CCM+ Multiphysics Simulation
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Solutions Engineer - -

Grow current customers account and performed micromechanic specific benchmarks for prospects

  • Over 15 customer benchmarks
  • 8 Webinars
  • Designed 3 applications to streamline Multiemch workflow
Multimech Abaqus ANSYS Micromechanics Advanced Materials
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Space Exploration Technologies

Engineering Associate - -

Designed manufacturing tools within the composite tooling group

NX GD&T Composite Manufacturing
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Aerospace Corporation

Engineering Associate - -

Composite and steel FEA structural analysis for primary rocket structures

Abaqus NASTRAN Composite Analysis Buckling Analysis


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Georgia Institute of Technology

Masters of Science in Analytics - -

GPA: 3.8/4.0
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering - -

GPA: 4.6/5.0
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering - -

GPA: 4.6/5.0
