Graph Convolution Network for FEA

Through education, research, and work experience I have been exposed to engineering and product challenges in industries spanning industrial (
aerospace, automotive, materials, additive manufacturing, biomedical, semiconductor) and tech (leagal technology and financial technology). My interest
in technology commercialization has led me to multiple early stage companies as a product manager. I hope to contribute to innovatation accross a wide range of industries
with recent experience and education in maching learning and data science.
Outside of work I like to golf, play pick-up basketball, brew beer, and work on side projects.
Graph Convolution Network for FEA
Academic Journal Trends
sEMG Signal Classification
CO2 Shipping Optimization
D3 Visualizations
FEA Convergence Diagnostic
Red Bull Flugtag
LitLingo Technologies
Director of Product - -
Led product team building AI powered compliance software platform LitLingo
HKC Solutions
Founder - -
Founded engineering consulting company focused on advanced FEA analysis
Siemens Digital Industries Software
Technical Product Manager - -
Technical Product Manager of Simcenter 3D Materials Engineering in the simultation and testing group
Solutions Engineer - -
Grow current customers account and performed micromechanic specific benchmarks for prospects
Space Exploration Technologies
Engineering Associate - -
Designed manufacturing tools within the composite tooling group
Aerospace Corporation
Engineering Associate - -
Composite and steel FEA structural analysis for primary rocket structures
Georgia Institute of Technology
Masters of Science in Analytics - -
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering - -
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering - -
CO2 Shipping Optimization
This project demonstrates how we can reduce CO2 emissions from maritime freight traffic by leveraging a hub-and-spoke model
to aggregate vessel cargo. An array of shipping network models were created via a clustering algorithm varying the clustering
hyperparameter. The analysis demonstrated an optimal shipping network is possible and could theoretically reduce CO2 output by
Dashboard | Video Walkthrough
| Full Report | Repository
D3 Visualizatations
These visualiations demonstrate the flexibility of D3 for creating static and interactive visualizations.
FEA Convergence Diagnostic
Here is a study meant to diagnose the convergence robustness of a given FEA model. The dataset includes multiple runs of a single
model with different loads and time steps, and results of the solution's convergence. Using Support Vector Machine (SVM), this study demsontrates
that convergence can be predicted before time is spent on a simulation.
Red Bull Flugtag
Part of team of MIT aerospace engineers that participated in Red Bull Flugtag. Designed and built a 30-foot wingspan human
carrying glider.
sEMG Signal Classification
sEMG signal data is used to predict the type of grabbing motion of a subject. This study evaluates many state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms
as well as data processsing and transformation techniques. An maximum accuracy of around 75% was achieved, which is high considering the number of
classification possibilites.
Data |
Report | Repository
Academic Journal Trends
Every year, thousands of scientific papers are peer reviewed and published in verified academic journals focused
on a wide range of different industries. This python notebook and script automates the process of analyzing an entire journal of
academic papers by web scraping and word processing to gain insight to an industry.
ScienceDirect |
Report | Repository
Graph Convolution Network for FEA
Finite element analysis (FEA) has greatly assisted engineers in innovating across all industries. However, there is a computational ceiling that results from
models containing too many elements. Deep learning may be a solution to reduce the run time and memory of large models. In this study, four types of graph convolution networks
(GCNs) are trained and tested on a set of FEA results.
GCN Review |
Report | Repository